VRR Emma Rose Liahona
2003 AMHR/ASPC Black Mare
Valley Ranch Black Magic x DWF Kewpie's Ebony Doll
Confirmed in foal to Martin's Who's Sheldon Cooper for a 2022.

Pictured is Emma with her 2020 filly. Emma is a lovely mix of heavier boned athletic Shetland and Arenosa bloodlines. This foundation mare is a welcome member in the broodmare band.
Most current year first
Longbarn Pharm Whiskey Jack
2022 AMHR/ASPC - Bay Stallion
Matin's Who's Sheldon Cooper x VRR Emma Rose Liahona

Whiskey Jack showed well as a yearling, brining home multiple area 8 Champion and Reserve Championships in halter. We look forward to showing him as a more mature stallion in 2025.
Retained by Longbarn Pharm
Longbarn Pharm Emma Rose Chippendale
2020 AMHR/ASPC - Chestnut Pinto Filly
Establo Chippendale x VRR Emma Rose Liahona (AMHR)

Heron is a elegant pinto filly! She has gorgeous head with huge poppy eyes, level top line ... everything we hoped for!
SOLD - Congratulations to Fred & Sandy Mark on their purchase of Heron!
Longbarn Pharm Rockin Rockette
2018 AMHR/ASPC Black Filly
Erica's Rock My World x VRR Emma Rose Liahona (AMHR)